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Title tint 01 and 02 !
Posted by urielh (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-04-16 00:57:08
  • Recommend 57 Recommend
  • Views 780

Just recieved it this morning and tried the two shades 1 and 2 (the pink and red ones).

Very good tint.

Like they said in the review on Josle, better put jojoba oil or lipbalm before putting the tint on. Something mosturizing, because, if not, even if your lips aren't visibly chaped, it will tint some area with little dry skins, more than other area. I don't apply it full color strengh. I put some on my lips with the jojoba oil or lip balm on before and then use my prinky finger to smooth the liquid tint and apply is everywhere (your pinky will be stain too :p) . The pink one (01) seems to resist water and stay on long; I tested the two on the back of my hand first thing this morning around 9am and it's now..almost 6pm and you can still see the pink tint (01) a little, but not the red one. I washed my hands several times during the day.

But both colors are pretty. I didn't try to layer them on yet as I wanted to have a discret color on the lips. I don't think that my lips are dryer than when I have nothing on them. Just putting some chapstick on jojoba oil before the tint and then you reapply some above it, like you normaly would during the day. (by the way, jojoba oil is REALLY moisturizing and doesn't feels oily. it feels like a combination of oil and water. It gets into the skin super fast and is very light. I love it! try it if you never did! for chapped lips that's cool. I put a super tiny bit on my lips first and then put some (more greasy) chapstick above it. It's super cool. and for the hair and skin too! ok...i got side tracked..hum...but try it if you never did^^)

Ho and I don't know whether using a lip scrub before putting it on is that great. because when I did, the places where the skin got thiner (so where the newest lip skin appear after srubing) appears to be tinted a lot more than the rest of the lip skin. So i think I will just prepare my lips the night before by doing a moisturizing routine during the night and then putting the tint on after doing the oil/lipbalm stuff i said above.

Ho and be careful to rub the tint evenly quickly because it stain the spot where you put the tint very fast. So you can end up with a patch more vividly colored.

It smells exactly exactly exactly (^^) like wild strawberries if you even ate some. (the little tiny wild straberries you find in the forest of a few natural garden with wild grass. I have some in a place in my garden. dunno if you can find them elsewhere, but I'm in France. so probably around europe at least) So for people who don't know, it's not like a normal strawberry. it's more acidic. hard to explain . but like a mix between a strawberry and redcurrent berry... it's a nice smell i think.

In any case, GOOD TINT!

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