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Title best scrubby gloves!
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-09-03 13:28:22
  • Recommend 163 Recommend
  • Views 1834

As someone with dry skin that needs exfoliation, I need a scrubby glove that *actually* scrubs well to get rid of dead skin cells.

I've tried many types of scrubby gloves like this, but this has to be the best! The closest one in terms of scrubbing power that I've tried would probably be what I used before this, which was The Body Shop's shower scrub gloves, which were quite decent, though not as effective.

This, however, is so much better! It is the best manual (is that what you call it?) scrubby tool for my skin that I've found.

I first tried this when one of these shower gloves was included with the samples of one of my orders from Jolse. At first I had no idea what it was, and put it away for a long time. I wondered if it was for the face, but knew it was way too rough. I then remembered watching a video about Korean "Italy" (I think that's the name) towels that are super awesome at getting your skin smooth. Tried it, and loved it ever since. Well, I guess this is it, or very near it!

It really gets your skin sooooo smooth. Use it with soap or shower gel so it's not *too* rough on your skin. My skin is sensitive, but have had absolutely no problems with using these. This is also a great deal, 5 gloves for less than $5 if they're on sale! Each glove lasts quite a long time too. I'll keep on buying these when mine wear out!

My glove in the pic is worn because I use it with a serious scrub that contains ground pumice. That combination gets my dry legs super smooth and silky! Awesome.

Totally recommend these to anyone looking for a nice scrubby glove that does its job well. Thanks Jolse for having these in stock! <3

Attachment scrubby glove.jpg
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