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Title Lightweight but moisturizing
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2015-10-18 07:29:51
  • Recommend 90 Recommend
  • Views 1468

Previously, I had purchased a bottle of this from another website, so my purchase here at Jolse is my second bottle. there are a few differences between my first and current bottle, but it still is a great product.

When my first bottle ran out, I hesitated to get a second bottle because of news of a contamination scare regarding Benton products that went around. I believe it was around the end of last year. Neither my first or current bottle are affected, so I believe it is safe to use the products. I kept off buying a second bottle because of that scare, but eventually I did, because this simply works great for me.

Before, I had used it for my face, and it's great for that purpose. However, what makes me really need this, is that I use this as a body moisturizer in addition to my body cream. I have quite dry skin, and my legs especially are difficult to keep moisturized for some reason. However, when I use this, my skin is really silky. When I went without this for a few months, I totally felt the difference.

Its consistency is lightweight, a little bit viscous, but not sticky. It hydrates well. However, I'm not sure if it's just in my head or not, but my first bottle of this seemed a little thicker in consistency. I don't know if they had a change in formula, or if this batch happens to be a little different since it is a natural product.

In addition to that difference, my current bottle has a pump top instead of the previous screw-type of cap with a little pinhole for dispensing the toner. This is very much an improvement.

I know there are some people out there who would disagree with me, but based on my own personal experience, I can recommend this as it works really well, has natural ingredients, and is relatively inexpensive.

Attachment Benton Aloe BHA_Fotor.jpg
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