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ProducT Forum Details
Title Nice quick acid exfoliant
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2020-01-05 10:19:42
  • Recommend 0 Recommend
  • Views 359

I bought this on sale and was thankful to do so, as this product is usually a little expensive. There has been quite a bit of hype around this (and other Blithe products), and I have to say I do like this product.

I use this in the shower, rather than mixing this in a bowl with water and splashing my face with it. In-shower use just seems much quicker and less bothersome. I just pour out about half to 3/4 of a capful of this and splash it on to my face, leaving it for about a minute before splashing my face with water to rinse it. I don't completely rinse it off for the duration of my shower, just to let it have a little more time for effect. It causes a very mild stinging sensation on my skin (not unpleasant, and not hurting my skin), and my skin usually feels smoother after my shower, with no signs of irritation. I have woken up the next day after using this the evening before and marvelled at how good my skin looked; I'm quite sure this contributed to how glowy and fresh it looked.

I use this product maybe once a week, so I've had this a couple of months and still have a lot left. I like this product a lot, and it hasn't caused problems for my sensitive skin. The only thing I don't really like about this product is its name, which doesn't really matter anyways, but I just think it's a little misleading. It's not a "mask", really-- it's just a splash-on product that does no masking whatsoever. It should have been more appropriately called a "splash treatment" or something like that.

Overall, great product by Blithe. I will likely try the other versions of this product once my bottle runs out.

Attachment blithe.jpg
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